Customizable Investment Performance Reporting

Providing Competitive Market Intelligence Since 1986

Solutions For Investors

Global Manager Research Database (GMRD)

An easy to use platform that offers the highest value of any Investment Manager Database in the market.

Performance Analysis Report (PAR)

A complete and clear picture of the relative performance of a portfolio versus its peers.

Institutional Performance Report (IPR) & Alternatives Performance Report (APR)

Valuable reference guides for tracking the institutional investment products available to Canadian institutional investors.

Global Manager Research Database (GMRD)

Developed in 1986 as Canada’s Money Manager Directory and then brought to the internet in 2000 as the first online Investment Performance Database. Now the GMRD contains information on over 300 Investment Managers and 2,500 products which are available to Canadian institutional investors. For a definition of our criteria for inclusion into our Database, click here.

As a trusted source of qualitative and quantitative information, our intuitive platform provides web-based access to global Asset Managers’ performance. GMR has created an easy-to-use platform with intuitive tools that allow the user to search the database, create universes, and build charts to assist in analyzing the data. GMR offers the highest value of any Investment Manager Database in the market and provides you with the opportunity to create custom reports. Unique to our platform, subscribers have the ability to upload a private client’s portfolio performance history and compare it against a relevant peer group.

As stated, these comparisons can be shown through a wide variety of chart layouts against both standard and customized universes. On top of that, users can take advantage of the ability to combine or blend multiple products in a variety of combinations in order to observe the impact of any one product on a portfolio.

Performance Analysis Report (PAR)

The PAR is a comprehensive an easy-to-read, graphical depiction of a fund or fund’s performance relative to peers and it’s peer group. This report is a strong supplement to an organization’s governance process. The package helps you visually identify any strategies of interest that require an in-depth analysis or Manager interview.

The PAR offers a complete and clear picture of the relative performance. These charts are a great compliment to the Institutional and Alternative Performance Reports. 

Standard PAR

Standard PAR package includes a selection of charts created using pooled fund or composite data as supplied to our Database by the Investment Manager. The Standard package includes the following charts:

Per asset class (Canadian Equities, Global Equities, Canadian Fixed Income, Balanced)

Customized PAR

GMR can create a variety of customized PAR packages including a selection of charts created using your portfolio metrics as provided by your Manager(s). 

The Customized package may include the following:

Total Fund analysis

Per asset class

Institutional & Alternatives Performance Reports (IPR & APR)

The IPR and APR are valuable reference guides for tracking the institutional investment products on our Database. These independent and unbiased reports add a competitive edge to your portfolio governance. They provide a convenient way to monitor funds that are available to Canadian institutional investors. Delivered in PDF format, these reports allow the reader to easily find specific Managers’ products along with median and quartile information.

Institutional Performance Report (IPR)

The IPR provides a comprehensive look each month at traditional products such as equities and fixed income. This report captures and ranks over 300 Investment Manager’s information featuring up to 10 years of historical performance returns and 9 key risk metrics throughout 20 distinct investment universes.

Alternatives Performance Report (APR)

The APR is produced quarterly and tracks non-traditional products covering 6 investment categories including: Credit Focused, Equity Focused, Multi-Strategy, Market Neutral, Real Assets, and Private Credit. The report provides up to 5 years of historical performance and key risk metrics on over 175 funds.